Tips for wheelchair and Scooter Users


  1. Remove loose carpets and rugs. Especially if you have hardwood or tile floors, loose floor coverings can be a frustrating obstacle for wheelchairs and scooters. Removing them obviously doesn’t cost anything, and it can make a big difference in your ability to easily navigate your home.  Alternatively, an adhesive backing can be used to hold rugs in place.


  1. Move furniture to accommodate your mobility device. This seems obvious, but many people don’t know just how much room is needed for their mobility device.  As a general rule, arrange furniture to allow at least a 32-inch path and 5-foot turning radius.  Some furniture might need to be removed altogether to accommodate this.


  1. Tie strings to your door handles. To allow a wheelchair or scooter user to more easily pull a door closed while passing through doorways, add a 36-inch string to each door handle in your home.  This comes with little to no cost, and it makes a big difference.


  1. Raise your tables and desks. To bring some tables and desks to above knee level, it might be necessary to place furniture coasters or blocks of wood under their legs.  Whatever you use, just be sure the table or desk is sturdy and can’t easily be knocked off its footings when you’re done.


  1. Spruce up your device! One thing that can be challenging to get used to when first using a mobility device is the difficulty in carrying items and manoeuvring at the same time.  To help with this, equip your wheelchair or scooter with accessories to help carry everything from books and clothes, to drinks and medical necessities.



So, there you go! Some changes that will make a huge difference in your ability to get around your home in a wheelchair or scooter, that won’t break the bank or cause a lot of disruption.  As always, if you have questions about equipment you have purchased or are considering, contact the team at O’Sullivans Mobility Aids.

What You Need to Consider Before Buying a Mobility Scooter

Purchasing any mobility aid can seem like a daunting decision, however none more so than when you are considering purchasing a mobility scooter. With so many options available it is understandable that many of our customers come to us feeling rather overwhelmed. That is why we have decided to pen this post, to give you our expert advice in regard to the important factors you need to consider prior to buying your mobility scooter.

Drive Envoy 2014


1. Will you be transporting your scooter in a car?

If you will be regularly travelling with your mobility scooter then our team recommend that you choose a travel or boot scooter, as some of the larger options on the market can be particularly heavy. Travel / Boot scooters are much lighter, more compact and have been designed to be folded and split apart to be transported in the boot of a car.

2. What weight is the user?

It is important to consider the weight that the mobility scooter will have to carry. Many of our customers forget that they may have an oxygen tank to carry for example, and others will forget to mention that they will be carrying the shopping bags home! The actual weight of the user is also vital to acknowledge. If the person is over 18 stone then our expert team recommend a larger mobility scooter to ensure comfort, safety and peace of mind.

3. Where is the mobility scooter going to be driven?

You will need a small compact scooter if you will be predominantly using the scooter in your home so that it will be able to make the necessary turns down hallways and through doors. On the other hand, if you will be using your mobility scooter outside the home to travel to work, the shops or the park, then you will require a mobility scooter with a larger battery capacity for a longer range and a higher clearance for foot paths.

4. Where are you planning to store your scooter?

In order to protect the mobility scooter from theft, damage or from prolonged exposure to the Irish weather our team recommend securely storing the scooter in a suitable area such as a shed if you are unable to store it in your home.

5. Other considerations you need to think about…

a. Leg room for the taller user?
b. A suspension for a more comfortable journey?
c. Battery size if you are going on longer journeys?
d. Do you suffer from back pain? You will need a full suspension.

We hope that this article will help you on your journey to finding your perfect mobility scooter. With our headquarters in Cork, we are Ireland’s leading provider of high quality and affordable mobility scooters. We would be delighted to assist you on your journey. We also offer next day FREE DELIVERY on all in stock scooters, nationwide. You can check out our range of options here. Alternatively, visit our main store at